Quitting Vaping? Here's Everything You Need to Know

How to quit vaping begins with understanding both the habit and the signs of addiction. For many, especially among young adults, vaping has become a habitual part of daily life, not just for enjoyment but often as a way to manage stress or social pressures.

Vaping, using electronic cigarettes to inhale vapors that often contain nicotine, has surged in popularity. Recognizing the signs of addiction is crucial. These can include an inability to stop despite a desire to do so, frequent cravings, and prioritizing vaping over other activities or responsibilities.

The process of quitting can feel daunting, but awareness of the addictive nature of vaping and the recognition of personal triggers are foundational steps towards a successful quit.

Why Quit Vaping?

Quitting vaping is a significant step towards a healthier lifestyle. Here's why you might consider it:

Health Risks

Vaping is often marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, but it still poses serious health risks. It can harm your lungs, heart, and overall health. Research shows that quitting vaping can lead to improved lung function and reduced risk of respiratory diseases.

Financial Savings

Vaping can be an expensive habit, especially with the cost of vape pens and cartridges adding up over time. By quitting, you can save a substantial amount of money. Imagine what you could do with that extra cash!

Social Benefits

Vaping can affect your social life. Some people may avoid being around vape smoke, or you might find yourself stepping out of social situations to vape. Quitting can improve your social interactions and how you're perceived by others.

Mental Health

Quitting vaping has been linked to reduced anxiety, stress, and depression. The process of quitting nicotine can impact your mental health as much as taking antidepressants. This is crucial because maintaining good mental health is as important as physical health.

Quitting vaping isn't just about avoiding negative consequences; it's about building a healthier, richer life. Whether it's the money you save, the health benefits, or improved social interactions, the reasons to quit are compelling and numerous. With the right support and strategies, how to quit vaping can become a journey of empowerment and self-discovery.

Preparing to Quit Vaping

Set a Quit Date

Choosing a quit date is your first step in the journey to stop vaping. This date should be soon—ideally within the next week or two. This prevents you from losing motivation. Mark this date on your calendar, set a reminder on your phone, and start counting down. A near, specific date keeps your goal clear and urgent.

Identify Reasons

Knowing why you want to quit vaping strengthens your resolve. Are you aiming for better health? Want to save money? Or improve relationships affected by your vaping? List all your reasons and keep them where you’ll see them daily—like on your phone or a sticky note on the fridge. When cravings hit, these reminders can help you stay strong.

Create a Support System

Quitting can be tough, but having people who support you makes a big difference. Talk to friends, family, or join a support group where you can share your experiences and challenges. Knowing you're not alone in this can provide a huge emotional lift and practical tips from others who are also quitting.

Download quitSTART App

Technology can be a fantastic ally in your quit journey. The quitSTART app is a free tool that offers tailored tips, inspiration, and challenges to keep you on track. It helps manage cravings and monitor your progress, making the quitting process more manageable and interactive.


Signing up for SmokefreeTXT is another excellent way to get support. This service sends encouragement and advice directly to your phone. You can sign up by texting QUIT to 47848. It’s like having a coach who’s always there to help you through tough moments.

By preparing thoroughly, you set yourself up for a successful journey to quit vaping. With a clear quit date, understanding your reasons for quitting, the right support, and helpful tools at your disposal, you’re ready to take this significant step towards a healthier lifestyle. Each step you take is a part of a larger journey towards reclaiming control over your life.

Overcoming Withdrawal and Cravings

When you decide to quit vaping, knowing how to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings is crucial. Here are practical strategies to help you through this challenging phase:


Physical activity is a powerful tool. It not only distracts you from cravings but also boosts your mood and overall health. Whether it's a brisk walk, a jog, or a yoga session, moving your body can provide immediate relief from the urge to vape.


Keeping your mind busy is essential. Engage in activities that absorb your attention and are enjoyable. This could be reading, puzzles, cooking, or even video games. The key is to find something that keeps your hands and mind occupied.

Support System

Lean on friends, family, or join support groups like This is Quitting. Sharing your struggles and successes with others who understand can make a huge difference. You're not alone in this journey, and there's strength in numbers.

Stress Management

Manage stress through techniques like mindfulness or meditation. Apps like Breathwrk offer guided breathing exercises that can help reduce stress and manage anxiety, making it easier to handle withdrawal symptoms.

Celebrate Milestones

Recognize and celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. Whether it's the first day without vaping or the first week, acknowledging your progress boosts your morale and motivation. McCall Mirabella, a successful quitter, suggests using apps to track your nicotine-free days and the money you've saved.

This is Quitting Program

Join the This is Quitting program by texting DITCHVAPE to 88709. It offers 24/7 support and advice tailored to young people looking to quit vaping. You'll receive tips and encouragement right when you need them the most.

Breathwrk App

Use the Breathwrk app to learn breathing exercises that can help you relax and divert your attention away from cravings. This tool is especially useful when dealing with intense cravings or when you feel overwhelmed.

By incorporating these strategies into your quitting plan, you equip yourself with the tools needed to overcome the toughest moments of quitting vaping. Each step you take brings you closer to a healthier, vape-free life. Every craving resisted is a victory. Keep pushing forward, and don't hesitate to reach out for support when needed.

Strategies and Tools to Quit Vaping

Quitting vaping can seem daunting, but with the right strategies and tools, it's entirely achievable. Let’s explore some effective methods that can support your journey to becoming vape-free.

Cold Turkey vs Gradual

Cold turkey means stopping all at once. For some, this method works well as it removes the temptation immediately. However, it can also lead to intense withdrawal symptoms. On the other hand, gradual reduction involves slowly lowering your vape usage over time. This can be easier on your body and mind, making the transition smoother. Choose the method that feels right for you. There's no one-size-fits-all answer here.

Quit Vaping Programs

Programs like This is Quitting can be incredibly helpful. They provide structured support and resources tailored to help you quit vaping. These programs often include daily tips and encouragement, which can keep you motivated on tough days.

Talk to a Therapist

Sometimes, the urge to vape is tied to deeper emotional or stress-related issues. Talking to a therapist can help you manage these feelings healthily. Therapists can also provide strategies to cope with cravings and triggers. Consider platforms like Talkspace for flexible online therapy options.

Trash Your Vape

When you’re ready, getting rid of your vaping device can be a symbolic and practical step towards quitting. If you're not there yet, that's okay too. Everyone’s journey is different, and it’s important to do what’s best for your situation.

Set Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries with friends who vape or avoiding situations where you might be tempted is crucial. It might feel awkward, but protecting your health is your priority. Be firm and communicate your needs to those around you.

Coping with Triggers

Identify what triggers your desire to vape — whether it’s stress, social settings, or emotions. Develop strategies to handle these triggers without vaping. Techniques like breathing exercises, distraction, or talking to someone can be effective.

By using these strategies and tools, you're equipping yourself with a robust set of defenses against vaping. Each person’s journey is unique, and finding what works best for you is key to success. Keep pushing forward, and utilize the tools and support systems around you to maintain a vape-free life.

Building a Vape-Free Future

Transitioning to a vape-free lifestyle is more than just overcoming a physical habit—it's about reshaping your identity and envisioning a healthier future. Here's how you can build a promising, vape-free future with lasting positive changes.

Imagine Your Vape-Free Self

Start by visualizing your life without vaping. Picture waking up feeling more energetic without the need for a nicotine hit. Imagine enjoying activities with friends and family, no longer needing to step away for a vape break. This mental image can serve as a powerful motivator. As you begin to see yourself as someone who doesn’t vape, your self-concept starts to shift.

Make a Positive Identity Shift

Think of yourself as a non-vaper. This is a crucial step in breaking free from the vaping cycle. It's about redefining who you are and what you stand for. Create a list of all the positive traits and achievements that define you—none of which involve vaping. Keep this list visible, perhaps on your phone or posted on your refrigerator, to remind you of who you are beyond the vape.

Set Future Goals

What do you want to achieve once you've quit vaping? Set clear, achievable goals. Maybe you want to run a 5K race, save enough money for a vacation (money you would have spent on vaping), or improve relationships that were affected by your vaping habits. These goals give you something tangible to work toward, making the vaping cessation journey more rewarding.

Stay Here Support

You're not alone in this journey. At Stay Here, we provide resources and support to help you stay committed to your vape-free future. From free training sessions to community support groups, we ensure you have access to the tools you need. Engage with our community through The Huddle, where you can share experiences and encourage others who are also working towards a vape-free life.

By focusing on these aspects, you are not just quitting a habit; you are transforming your life. Each step you take builds a stronger foundation for a healthier, happier future without vaping. Keep your goals in sight, every vape-free day is a victory. Let's continue this journey together, supported and strong.

Frequently Asked Questions about Quitting Vaping

How long after quitting vaping do lungs heal?

When you quit vaping, your lungs start to heal almost immediately. However, the healing process varies depending on how long and how much you've vaped. Many people notice improvements in lung function within a few weeks, but it can take several months or even years for lung health to return to a state similar to that of a non-vaper. It's important to stay patient and persistent with your vape-free journey.

What are common withdrawal symptoms from quitting vaping?

Quitting vaping can lead to several withdrawal symptoms as your body adjusts to life without nicotine. Common symptoms include:

  • Cravings for nicotine

  • Irritability or mood swings

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Increased appetite

  • Restlessness or anxiety

  • Headaches

These symptoms are a normal part of the quitting process and will decrease in intensity over time. These discomforts are temporary and a sign that your body is healing.

How can I resist temptations and cravings?

Resisting the urge to vape can be challenging, especially during the initial phase of quitting. Here are some effective strategies to help you manage:

  • Exercise: Physical activity can help distract you and reduce the intensity of cravings. Whether it's a brisk walk, a jog, or any form of exercise, it can elevate your mood and keep your mind off vaping.

  • Use a distraction: Engage in activities that keep your hands and mind busy. Try hobbies like drawing, knitting, or playing a musical instrument.

  • Lean on your support system: Share your challenges with friends or family members who encourage your quit journey. Their support can be crucial in helping you resist cravings.

  • Celebrate milestones: Set short-term goals and celebrate when you achieve them. This could be as simple as treating yourself to a movie or a special meal for every vape-free week.

  • Join 'This is Quitting': This free, text-based program offers daily support and practical advice tailored to young individuals looking to quit vaping. It leverages peer support and real-life experiences to help you stay on track.

Each craving you resist strengthens your resolve and brings you one step closer to a vape-free life. Stay committed to your quit plan, and don't hesitate to seek help if you're struggling. The journey might be tough, but the benefits of quitting vaping are worth it. Keep pushing forward, and soon you'll find that your cravings have diminished, and your health has improved.


As we wrap up our discussion on how to quit vaping, it's important to emphasize the comprehensive support that Stay Here offers. Our resources are designed to help you through every step of your quitting journey, ensuring you're never alone in this process. For more support and tools tailored to your needs, visit our Stay Here shop.

Quitting vaping can lead to significant improvements in your mental health. Many individuals report reduced stress, anxiety, and depression after quitting, similar to the effects of taking antidepressants. Embracing a vape-free life opens the door to a healthier mental state and a more vibrant, energetic you.

Moreover, the sense of community encouragement in our support groups can be incredibly empowering. Sharing your struggles and victories with others who are facing similar challenges can provide a sense of solidarity and motivation. This community aspect is not just about receiving support but also about giving it, which can be profoundly rewarding and reinforcing to your own commitment.

In conclusion, quitting vaping is not just a personal achievement but a communal journey. We at Stay Here are dedicated to supporting you through this transition, offering resources and encouragement every step of the way. Together, we can build a healthier, vape-free future. Let's keep the conversation going and support each other towards a life free from vaping. Your journey to better health and a fuller life starts here.

Jacob Coyne

Jacob Coyne is a preacher, a Christian content creator, and the founder of Stay Here, a mental health organization that raises awareness through bold and encouraging messaging and equips others to save lives from suicide. With more than 1.4 million social media followers, Jacob is known for offering tangible hope and help for the brokenhearted and hurting. He and his wife, Mariah, have three daughters and live in east Tennessee.


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